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Scott Bean Patents

System for Categorizing Inventory and Securing Purchase and Sale (US Patent 8,660,921 - 2014). Silvaris core technologies for trading forest products with customers and suppliers, and for generating forest products taxonomies.

System and Method for Displaying Inventory and Future Inventory for Purchase (US Patent 8,036,940 - 2011). Silvaris technology to prioritize orders of over-committed production of forest products.

Medium and Method Providing the Ability to Display or Hide a Wood Load from Buyer View (US Patent 7,689,471 - 2010). Silvaris technology to enable online purchase of wholesale forest products.

Apparatus, Systems and Methods for Online, Multi-Parcel, Multi-Carrier, Multi-Service Parcel Returns Shipping Management (US Patent 7,660,721 - 2010). iShip/Stamps.com online package return management technology.

System and Method for Determining and Presenting Product Market Prices (USPTO app 2008/0270221). Silvaris technology for establishing forest products prices in an online marketplace.

System and Method for Collecting and Distributing Market Information (USPTO app 2007/0171232). Silvaris technology for distributing forest products market data via the Internet.

